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Awesome church in Guangzhou广州一所令人叹为观止的教堂

 Shishi Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou, the famous Catholic Church, located in downtown Guangzhou. It is the most magnificent Catholic diocese of Guangzhou, the most distinctive of a cathedralit in China.As far as I know, it is the only one Catholic church which with stone structure in Southeast Asia, more worthy of reverenceyes, it is one of the world's four stone structure of Gothic church building. Since the Catholic Church is very near from my house, I usually take the subway to the nearby station, which is not far from the Pearl River.

Church of the total construction area of 2754 square meters, when it spent 400,000 francs, or even comparable with the world-famous Notre Dame of Paris, France. Overall: This is a octagonal minaret is hollow cone, and the stone blocks, which is the architectural structure of the three-storey building, the steeple higher up, the more seem steep, and finally stabbing the sky like the cone tip.

When I walked into this church, the most appealing to me are some huge stained glass windows,you can find them in the frontage, the east and the west,there are respectively some round rose windows which seven meters in diameter, I can see they are dark red, dark blue, purple yellow and other colored glass inlaid. Although these stained glass windows have a little damage after a century, and the descendants use domestic blue-green glass to repair, but can still see some interesting Bible stories Represented on the stained glass windows. Really amazing.

This article in Chinese:广州石室圣心大教堂是广州著名的天主教堂,它是目前国内最大的一座双尖塔哥特式石结构建筑物,据我所知,它也是东南亚惟一最大的石结构天主教建筑,更为值得敬畏的是,它也是全球四座全石结构哥特式教堂建筑之一。由于这个天主教堂离我家非常近,我通常会坐地铁到海珠站下,也就是靠近珠江边的地段,向前走拐个弯就到了。教堂的建筑总面积达到2754平方米,当时它耗费了40万法郎,甚至可与闻名世界的法国巴黎圣母院相媲美。从整体上看:这是个以尖塔为空心的八角形锥体,并用石块砌成,其下是三层楼房的建筑结构,尖塔越往上越显得陡峭,最后像锥尖一样刺向苍穹。当我走进石室中,最吸引我的是巨大的彩色玻璃窗,正面、东面、西面分别各有直径7米的圆形玫瑰花窗,我可以看到他们是由深红、深蓝、紫黄等各色玻璃镶嵌而成。虽然这些彩色玻璃窗历经百年,多有损坏,后人多用国产的蓝绿色玻璃修补,但是仍可看见当时这些玻璃窗上所绘的是有趣的圣经故事。真让人叹为观止啊。

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