I really feel the charm of the music now. That is what happened yesterday. My friend played a music for me:(GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Flute de Pan - MARCEL CELLIER orgue), and I thank him for his taste of the wonderful Western music. I think I will get a tight relationship with music from now on. Listen to this music, I can not help but think of our famous ancient poem, "Renovation of the Yueyang Building", there is boundless and beautiful scene , if you like landscape, you may see the Sandpipers gather flying in the air and fishes play in the water. Fragrant grass and orchids growing up luxuriantly on the shore and sand-bank are blue and green. The fishing songs respond with each other. How much joyful it is! Now ,you may touch off the feelings of carefree and happy, and forget honor and disgrace, gain and lose.
In my Two decades , I am a bit sentimental. However, the music let me find another self, I really got the simple joy of sources. The world is a paradise, a wonderland, with the world of music is fantastic, elegant and noble. I think good music is a direct impact on the spiritual realm, and should not be a mere behavior to please your ears, but into your heart through your hearing and affecting your mental world. It can make you yearn for the good of the world, this one make the people who on the verge of suicide edge are reluctant to abandon the desire for survival. Music by pleasing our ears directly to our inner world, which makes you untouchable, allows you to enter a real baptism of love and beauty. At this time , forget all the vulgar, and all evil, even desperate strife. Cleanse our hearts and give us the eyes to find that goodness and beauty of the eyes. Her great role is no less than the Bible.
I believe that many Chinese people, including myself, are busy working and too much pressure inside nearly drowned , this time music come into our ears. We appreciate the wonderful melody, the notes of the ups and downs, or from the lyrics which find resonance. Some extent, music give us sensory relaxation and temporary comfort. Or the Starchaser go to buy recorded music, to find sustenance in the short-lived craze. We do not necessarily came to realize that music can be traumatic, casting sentiment and character. Moreover,if we want to get to the concert to enjoy a sublime music , it will take times to go to the centre of the city, and to bear expensive fares. This may be attributed to certain social and historical factors.
I thought of our country, and even the whole world truly need the most beautiful and most classic music spread to the general public, and to them as is routine, you can enjoy at any time .It is no longer the supreme luxury,If it work, I think it is absolutely enormous human progress.
Music, between the ears and the mind has set up a bridge to heaven. Heaven is not in a dream, in our reality, music, let us live in the reality of heaven.
this article in Chinese:我真正感觉到了音乐的魅力。那是昨天发生的事情。我的美国朋友给我播放了一段排笛音乐( GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Flute de Pan - MARCEL CELLIER orgue),我感谢他能我领略到妙不可言的西洋音乐。我想我会从此和音乐真正解下不解之缘。听起这个曲子,我不禁想起了我们著名的古代诗歌《登岳阳楼记》中波澜不惊,一碧万顷(qǐng)的美好景象,如果你喜欢山水,你可能看到岳山楼下翔集的沙鸥,锦鳞游泳;甚至渔歌互答,此情此景,心旷神怡,宠辱偕(xié)忘,是最佳的形容。
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